
And our next chapter.

Our Story

Mona Foundation envisions a world where every child on the planet has access to education because education changes everything. It enables. It empowers. It gives voice. It gives choice. It protects the environment. It promotes peace. 

For the past 25 years, with love and compassion in our hearts for every child, we have worked to make this vision a reality. Galvanized by the urgent challenges and opportunities existing in global education, Mona Foundation has pursued its mission by supporting grassroots organizations that educate children, empower women and girls, and foster ethics and service to develop change agents who uplift themselves, their families, and their communities. 

Our work is rooted in our core belief in the oneness of humanity and our conviction that every person, irrespective of geography and economic standing, has the right to self-determination and the responsibility to build their capacity and fully participate in the social and economic development of their communities.   

This work is driving progress on gender equality, breaking the cycle of poverty, and contributing to sustainable change in the overall well-being of communities in dozens of countries across four continents.

Since 1999, Mona Foundation has supported 4,263,012 students (more than 50% girls) to access quality education through 41 partner organizations in 23 countries.

The Mona Way

Our trailblazing approach is effective, efficient, and transformative.

Grassroots organizations

We select and partner with proven grassroots educational organizations that empower women and girls and address the root causes of poverty and inequality.

Long-term support

We provide long-term support to our grassroots partners as they build their capacities through experience, grow organically, and scale their programs to create and sustain change.

Whole-child education

We invest in developing the full range of students' academic, artistic, social, and moral capabilities to raise change agents who uplift themselves, their families and their communities.

Trust and collaboration

We sustain relationships of trust and respect, collaborating with all of our partners as equal members of one human family.

Ethical leadership

We lead with and champion integrity, trustworthiness and genuine concern for others as critical imperatives for sustainable development.


We emphasize indiscriminate service to others as a way of life and as an expression of our twofold purpose: to develop our individual capacities and to contribute to the betterment of our communities.

"The wings with which we soar."

Mona Foundation’s unwavering support is the cornerstone of our success. Together we have seen how education breaks barriers and shapes brighter futures. Mona Foundation is not merely a supporter or funder of our projects. They are the very wings with which our organization soars higher.

They believe in our mission. It is above funding; it is a true partnership. They propel Barli to move forward, changing lives and making meaningful impact in the community. They breathe life into our dreams.”

Tahera Jadhav

Director of Barli Institute, India

Mona partner since 2005

Our Partner Organizations

Our Growth Over 25 Years

Since 1999, Mona Foundation has supported 4,263,012 students (more than 50% of whom are girls) with access to quality education through 41 partner organizations in 23 countries.

Within our first decade, we grew the number of students we were serving more than eightyfold. A decade later, we were serving 16 times the students we served in our first 10 years.  The rate of growth accelerates as our grassroots partners undertake more complex initiatives, expand their collaboration with civil society and their governments, and scale their proven programs through existing institutions.

Scaling Social Impact

Currently seven of our twenty-three partner organizations have reached a tipping point where their impact is exponentially multiplied. They are rising, in collaboration with their government, other nonprofits and businesses, to catalyze system change, mobilizing to rewrite and reshape the narratives, policies, and social norms which to date have inhibited millions of students, especially girls, from fully participating in the life of society. Two examples are below.


Badi School started in 1993 as a kindergarten in the carport of a trailer home and has since grown into one of the finest K-12 schools in Panama, serving over 400 students. Badi integrates high quality academics, arts, and technology programs with an inclusive moral leadership program and service. Most Badi School graduates receive full scholarships to the best universities in Panama and elsewhere. 

Impressed over the years by the exceptional quality of Badi school's graduates and their contributions to the betterment of their communities, the Ministry of Education in Panama adopted their moral education curriculum, the key lever of Badi's outstanding results, as their standard course on religion, implementing it in 3,400 schools reaching about 950,000 K-12 students. 


The Aarohini girls' empowerment program is designed to prevent child marriage and domestic violence in a country where girls are unsafe, unwanted, unequal and unfree.   

The program trains girls to see themselves as equal persons deserving of respect, having the right to agency and to voice their protest. The initiative is primarily a teacher training program which equips teachers to enable change in schools and in their communities.

The program has been so successful that in 2022 SHEF signed a 5-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Ministiry of Education to train over 2,000 teachers in 746 public residential schools for disadvantaged girls to educate and empower more than 100,000 girls. 

Recognitions and Awards

Join Us in Our Next Chapter

Champion our mission by making a 3-year pledge.

As Mona celebrates 25 years of educating, empowering, and transforming lives, our vision for the near future aims to exponentially expand our worldwide impact.  To realize this vision we will:

  • Partner with grassroots organizations to educate and empower 10 million students in need by 2030.
  • Expand and deepen our collaborative network to increase contributions by 10% annually to $5 million, and the principal of our endowment by 10% each year to $8 million, by 2030.
  • Strengthen institutional and organizational capacity to realize our vision, mission and goals.
  • Contribute to social discourse by broadly sharing Mona’s unique approach to development to evolve the practice of philanthropy and accelerate lasting positive change.

Make an investment that lasts a lifetime with a contribution to our Global Impact Fund today. 


Education is "Light and Air"

To be without education and skills is being a bird without wings.  You can see the sky and the endless opportunities, but you are not able to reach them. It makes you feel helpless.

But education gives the power and the strength to transform our life and that of others. It makes us be confident and self-reliant.

It is like opening windows in a closed room and flooding it with light and fresh air.

Jhamku, 17-year-old Barli graduate

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