The World Bank 2020 data shows that there are 719 million people who live on less than $2.15/day with 250 million kids who cannot read or write. It also confirms that education is a powerful driver of development & one of the most effective means for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability.
We envision a world where every child on the planet has access to education. In the past twenty-25 years, we have worked tirelessly to select, partner, and invest in proven grassroots organizations focused on education and gender equality to uplift individuals, families, and communities, and sustain positive growth. Since 1999, we have provided access to education to over 4.2 million students through 41 grassroots organizations in 23 countries, including US, Haiti, Panama, Brazil, India, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Gambia and Sierra Leone.
With Mona Foundation
your enduring legacy
will ensure that our work will continue until every child on the planet is educated and is a source of social good.
Designate Mona Foundation as one of your trusted charities to receive one time or annual grants from your DAF, either in form of cash or securities.
Please contact Laura Baerwolf,, or 425.743.4550 to receive specific instructions for direct deposit or wire transfer to either Mona Foundation Bank of America, or Fidelity brokerage, accounts.
Whether you designate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate, your legacy gift will ensure Mona's work is continued until every child on the planet has access to education.
We’ve partnered with
FreeWill to help you
create a will if you don’t have one already. It is
100% free to you.
What is FreeWill?
Sample Will Language.
Donating certain non-cash assets like real estate can provide significant tax benefits while advancing our mission.
Have you already included a gift to Mona Foundation in your will or trust? Please click on this link to let us know. We would love to thank you for your generosity.
Your retirement plans, life insurance policies, and annuities can all help bring education to students in need. Consider including Mona Foundation as a beneficiary.
If you are 70½ or older, you can give up to $100,000 per year from your IRA without any income tax implications.
If you have any questions for our team, we want to provide you the best support for you. Please reach out.
Also, if you’ve already included Mona in your will or estate plan, let us know! We’d love to officially welcome you.
Regardless of your preferred planned giving approach, you can designate how your gift to Mona Foundation will be used by choosing to benefit a specific project or need, or to support our general or endowment funds.
The information found on this page is intended for informational purposes only. We recommend consulting with a trusted financial advisor before making decisions involving your estate.
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