My father (and mother) raised five daughters and a son. His family always came first in his life, and he spent as much time with us as possible, despite the demands of work. He allowed each of us to make our own life decisions, and then supported us in whatever was needed to realize our dreams – both short and long term. He made it possible for me to attend private schools and public colleges, to continue my education to the doctoral level, and to go on to be an educator, college administrator, and world traveler. He was always proud of all his children’s accomplishments.
Dad was a machinist, a small business owner, a storyteller, a WWII veteran (US Navy Seabees), a Catholic, and a loving and devoted husband for over 60 years. We lost him to cancer in 2009, but his strength and humor, his unquestioning support in each of our lives, and his sense of ethics and concern for others continue to be a part of his legacy. I know he would approve of the work of the Mona Foundation in the education of young women.
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