Brad Horwitz, a distinguished Seattle business leader, has made a profound social impact through his visionary work in the wireless industry and dedicated humanitarian service. In 2024, he was inducted into the Wireless Hall of Fame for his significant contributions to the wireless industry, including his key role in establishing the first Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in Asia, leading the team that built SmarTone Mobile Communications in Hong Kong, and founding Western Wireless International which operated multiple GSM protocols across Europe, Africa, and the Americas. In addition to his long-time support of the Mona Foundation, Brad’s humanitarian efforts include extensive recovery and reconstruction efforts in Haiti for which he received the “Cinema for Peace Humanitarian of the Year Award” and the US State Department Corporate Excellence award.
14150 NE 20th St. F1-527 Bellevue, WA 98007, (425) 743-4550,
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