Change Starts One Person at a Time
Read our 2024 interview with Samira Jahanpour, one of our most engaged Youth Ambassadors, about how she is bringing 'the Mona way' to her own community. Here she details all the ways she amplifies Mona's mission.
Mona Youth Ambassadors are teens, tweens, and young adults who are dedicated to supporting Mona's mission and gender equality, serving others and learning together to build a more just and prosperous world for all. By mobilizing support in their communities and inviting more young people to get involved, Youth Ambassadors create a ripple effect for positive social change both locally and globally. This program is open to ages 14 to 25.
Registration for our 2024-25 Youth Ambassador Cohort is now CLOSED. Please reach out directly to if you are interested in engaging with Mona Foundation further.
Learn 'the Mona Way' and take action to educate and empower children globally. Join us to participate in unique projects, develop valuable skills, and make a difference in your community.
Explore engaging activities and resources to support education and gender equality initiatives.
Launching in September 2024, this year's program will be full of ways to engage with Mona, learn more about philanthropy and the nonprofit sector, and develop necessary skills to identify and navigate social needs in your own communities.
Starting a service club at your school is a great way to bring together other youth interested in serving the local community and supporting charitable causes, including Mona Foundation, that educate children in need and empower women and girls.
Mobilize your personal and social connections to raise funds or promote awareness on behalf of Mona. Create your own fundraising campaign, engage your socials and invite your friends and family to follow us and see our impact! Visit our Social Media toolkit for more information.
By joining our Youth Ambassador program, you gain access to a dedicated Slack page that enables you to connect with other youth ambassadors and have access to engaging learning materials, along with mentorship and support.
Created in partnership with Jenna Winocur, Co-founder of Life Changing School, we offer her "Think Gobally, Act Locally" learnshop to help Youth Ambassadors learn about applying the principles underlying Mona’s trailblazing approach to address a social need in their own community. Certificate awarded for completing the series and a related service project.
Mona Youth Ambassadors have free access to certificate courses in Global Management, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation through the "100 Million Learners Global Initiative" of the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University. Three tracks accomodate learners of any educational background. Learn more here. If interested in enrolling, contact
A few of our most actively engaged Youth Ambassadors will be invited to join in a site visit to one of our grassroots partners in Spring 2025 to witness social action firsthand.
Watch the videos to hear from three Mona Youth Advisory Board members on their personal experiences.
Chloe Rastegar, a member of Mona's Advisory Board and the visionary behind the concept of school Service Clubs, shares her personal journey of inspiration and how her association with Mona Foundation helped ignite her true passion.
Nava Ghalili, a member of Mona's Advisory Board, journalist, and actress, shares a few thoughts on the power of youth to transform the world. As a youth empowerment activist, she advocates for education and children's rights.
Don Dao, a member of Mona's Advisory board, was deeply impacted by his first visit to Sunflower Mission in Vietnam at age 10. Through multiple site visits, he's developed a strong understanding and passion for our cause. He explains how Mona has transformed him.
Change Starts One Person at a Time
Read our 2024 interview with Samira Jahanpour, one of our most engaged Youth Ambassadors, about how she is bringing 'the Mona way' to her own community. Here she details all the ways she amplifies Mona's mission.
Shaping a Life of Service to Humanity
Read our 2023 interview with Brenden Eghrari (17), one of our newest Youth Ambassadors, about his experience in the program and the importance of service. Brenden talks about forming a service club at his school and organizing their first-ever Move4Mona 5K Walk and Bake Sale.
Read our 2022 interview with Nessa Samimi, one of our first Youth Ambassadors, about her involvement with Mona Foundation and what living a life of service means to her. Nessa and her family live in Southern California where she is now in her junior year of high school.
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