Mona Partner Since 2021
For over 30 years, Monte Carmelo has pursued its mission of supporting the material, human, and spiritual education of children and junior youth living in situations of social vulnerability in Porto Feliz. Its programs include educational enrichment and empowerment classes that incorporate the arts and care for the environment. All students attend public school in the morning or afternoon and go to Monte Carmelo either before or after school. The institute currently serves 90 students, ages 6-14
Brazil has been severely impacted by COVID19. Although MCA has diverse sources of funding, 45% of their income was from the federal government. These monies have not been able as usual due to the economic impacts of the ongoing global health crisis.
Mona Foundation has stepped in to support this organization as it goes through financial difficulty brought by the pandemic. This has enabled the continuing education of its students.
89 students educated
82 parents engaged
Trained 9 teachers
4 service activities carried out affecting 68 people
A close collaborator of ADCAM, Mona has provided Monte Carmelo with temporary emergency funding since its government support abruptly halted during the pandemic.
14150 NE 20th St. F1-527 Bellevue, WA 98007, (425) 743-4550,
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