Study Hall Educational Foundation, India

About Study Hall Educational Foundation (SHEF)

Mona Partner Since 2008

Study Hall Educational Foundation (SHEF), situated in Lucknow, India, supports an impressive portfolio of initiatives aimed at educating and empowering underprivileged girls in urban and rural India.  Since it began in 1986, SHEF has reached over 2,500,000 students through direct and indirect initiatives in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

For nearly four decades, SHEF has worked to redefine education, building a network of nine educational institutions and four outreach initiatives that provide quality education to all children, with a special focus on girls. Using a holistic, inclusive, life-outcomes based approach, SHEF has re-cast education across the entire range of challenges that children face in building their agency and personhood.                        2024 Year-end report

The Challenge

With 1.3 billion people, India comprises 20% of the world's population. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India, and SHEF works across all 75 of its districts. With a population that is ⅔ that of the United States, if UP were a country it would be the 5th most populous in the world!

According to The World Factbook, 22% of Indians earn less than $1.90/day. While the population is also very young, with 50% under 25 years old, there is a shortage of qualified teachers and it is common for government schools to have classes with up to 120 students. One-third of the world's child brides (5 million girls) are in India and 1 million girls are killed in the womb through selective termination. 50% of married women report domestic violence.                                 

The Solution: SHEF Programs

Aarohini Girls Empowerment Program

With support by Mona Foundation, the Aarohini program promotes education for girls, prevents violence and child marriage, and empowers girls to see themselves as equal persons deserving of respect. Its pedagogy is unique and complex. The initiative is primarily a teacher training program, which equips teachers with the skills and resources to promote change in their schools and communities. The program uses critical feminist pedagogy and community mobilization to create a chain of positive influence that starts with teachers as agents of change, and extends to students and parents in order to  protect the rights of students.

In 2023, the Aarohini program trained 1,394 teachers in 73 districts of Uttar Pradesh impacting 72,200 students.

GyanSetu Community Education Centers

"One-room Schools"

Gyan Setus (one-room schools) provide a way to educate kids living in abject poverty in urban slums or rural village where there is no access to clean water, sanitation, or schools, bring them to grade level and transition them to the public school system to give them a fighting chance for a better life for themselves and for their families. Overtime, Gyan Setus have proven to be an effective solution to the chronic problem of education systems that have isolated and alienated the children on the margin. 

Mona began supporting this initiative in 2017 with a commitment to fund 14 schools ($3,000/schoo/year) serving 30-40 students. The cost covers the salary and travel expense of a qualified teacher, school uniforms, supplies, and an occasional meal when possible. In 2023, 116 of these centers educated 3,199 children, trained 118 teachers and involved 15,995 community members. 

GyanSetu centers also act as hubs of community transformation and are now also offering early childhood education, adult literacy programs, digital literacy classes, life skills and specific sessions to educate mothers on the basics of health and hygiene, domestic violence, child marriage, alcoholism, etc. and connect them with community services that can save their lives or protect them.   The videos below show the evolution of this initiative all the way to 2023 Gyan Setus 10th year anniversary sports extravaganza! 

Digital Study Hall

“YouTube meets Netflix in a schoolhouse with a dirt floor.” 

To address the shortage of qualified teachers in poor and remote rural schools in India, Digital Study Hall (DSH) creates videos of the best teachers in actual classroom sessions and provides them free of charge to all teachers and students in poor public schools. Ongoing teacher training is offered to reinforce the quality of teaching and learning.

With the country in lockdown and all schools closed to prevent the spread of COVID19, thousands of teachers and students are now flocking to the DSHONLINE platform. And it is working!  When Mona started supporting this initiative 10 years ago, DSH was offered in 23 schools. In 2023, 227 new videos were produced this year and quality checked by subject experts, benefiting 2,500 students in 16 government schools. Its YouTube channel now has 126,822 subscribers with over 22 million views.

Digital Enablers

To facilitate access to online classes for children, especially girls, in low socio-economic communities, SHEF launched the ‘Digital Saathi’ (Digital Enablers) initiative in 2020 to provide devices and connectivity to selected students, alumni, and teachers who then facilitate learning in their communities.

The Digital Saathi initiative has helped bridge the digital divide (and its embedded gender divide) by establishing community-based facilitators empowered with technology to give all students access to online classes and learning.

Prerna Girls School

K-12 Education 

This school provides K-12 education to 1,082 underprivileged girls using its own unique pedagogy to help them see themselves as equal and autonomous individuals deserving of respect, to understand the oppression they face, and to develop the skills to overcome it. Mona provides scholarships for Prerna students and supports a number of graduates to attend Study Hall College.

India’s Daughters Campaign

changes hearts and minds

This community-based campaign raises awareness of gender violence and child marriage and promotes girl’s education and equality. The campaign included drama competitions, film making, poster making, essay writing, and poem writing competitions, and awarded scholarships of INR 1,54,000 (~$1,870USD) to the winners.

SHEF held an annual India's Daughters Campaign (IDC) award ceremony. In attendance were Mr. PK Tripathi, Joint Director of Samj Kalyan (Social Welfare), and representatives from organizations such as UNICEF, Room to Read, AIDWA, AALI, Jijiwisha Society, Robin Hood Army, DIET, and Manavsrijan. For the past two years, the IDC has focused on boys, with this year's theme being "It's time for men and boys to change," and aimed at educating boys and men to challenge patriarchy and become advocates for gender justice.

In 2023, the campaign engaged 15,488 children and involved 272 government officials.

How we help

The Mona Foundation has partnered with SHEF since 2008. Since then, SHEF has scaled its model of education from 21 to 2,320 government schools. Mona currently supports five SHEF programs: 

  • Digital Study Hall 
  • GyanSetu Community Education Centers (one-room schools)
  • Prerna Girls School and Study Hall College (scholarships)
  • Aarohini Girls Empowerment Program
  • India’s Daughters Campaign 
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2024 Achievements

421,786 students educated, 35,842 teachers trained, and 2,168,166 parents and community members engaged across all SHEF’s programs

  • Aarohini Initiative empowered 79,386 students
  • India’s Daughters Campaign engaged 102,435 children
  • Provided 150 K-12 and 50 college scholarships
  • 121 GyanSetu Centers educated 3,067 students, trained 118 teachers, and successfully transitioned 900 out-of-school children into formal education
  • DSH Online increased its subscribers to 127,486, with over 22.5 million views and 232,900 unique users.

2025 Plans, $310,000

  • GyanSetu:
  • Continue educating over 3,000 children and adults through its 121 centers, focusing on out-of-school children and marginalized communities
  • Key initiatives include making flagship centers self-sustainable, launching 50 adult literacy centers, and completing digital literacy training for 102 teachers
  • Aarohini Initiative
  • Focus on empowering educators and communities to champion gender equity.​
  • Complete the second and third phases of teacher and leadership training for 1,500 teachers at residential schools for girls, equipping them to lead girls’ rights campaigns and advocate for gender justice
  • Partnered with the Basic Education Department to train over 30,000 facilitators who will reach 46,000 schools in 2025.
  • DSHOnline:
  • Expand their library with videos for grades 9-12, focusing on subjects aligned with standard curriculum
  • A subject expert will review 300 existing videos for quality assurance
  • Scholarships:
  • Will provide 150 Prerna K-12 scholarships and 50 Study Hall College scholarships
  • India’s Daughters’ Campaign:
  • Expand outreach, engaging over 1,000 schools and emphasizing boys’ involvement in promoting gender equality

Support SHEF's 2025 Plans

News From SHEF

Raveena’s Courage to Stand Against Child Marriage

March, 2025 - Raveena, an 8th-grade student at a rural school serving low-income girls in Vangram Palia, Lakhimpur Kheri, demonstrated remarkable bravery and leadership during her school break. When she learned that a minor girl in her neighborhood was about to be married, Raveena knew she had to act.​

Drawing from the lessons instilled at school, Raveena first approached the girl’s family, appealing to their better judgment and explaining the harm and illegality of child marriage. Despite her earnest efforts, the family dismissed her concerns and continued with their plans.​

Undeterred, Raveena remembered the importance of standing firm for what is right. Recalling the guidance she had received at school; she dialed 112 and reported the situation to the police...

Boys standing in half circle presenting on gender role reversal

Promoting Gender Justice

January 2024 - The Aarohini team selected 86 boys from 43 Upper Primary Schools to participate in the first-ever boys’ camp, cultivating an environment that allows them to reflect on the different gendered experiences in their community, what they can do to address these issues, and how to challenge oppressive societal norms. Last year, SHEF formed a coalition of 40 NGOs to mobilize men and boys to advocate for gender justice. 

With your help, Mona is proud to be the Aarohini program's primary supporter and, to be contributing, in partnership with SHEF and their collaborators, to promoting a culture of gender justice across Uttar Pradesh. 

Girl's Education and Empowerment in UP Schools

December 2023 - After years of experience and a deepening collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Government of Uttar Pradesh has now adopted the highly successful Aarohini Girls' Education & Empowerment Program developed by Study Hall Educational Foundation for use in all public schools in the state. This includes implementing the program in:

  • 746 KGBV residential schools for low-income girls in grades 6 to 8, reaching over 74,000 girls, and in
  • Over 250,000 public schools across Uttar Pradesh.

The Aarohini program trains teachers and mobilizes communities to promote education for girls, prevent child marriage and domestic violence, empower girls to see themselves as equal persons deserving of respect, and raise boys to be champions of gender justice. The Aarohini team is now in process of training teachers at KGBV and co-ed schools to use the program in their classrooms.

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Spring, 2023 - On day one of the visit, the Mona team visited a government school using Digital Study Hall video lessons, Prerna Girls School, and a community meeting at a GyanSetu center. On day two the team attended the GyanSetu Sports Extravenganza celebrating their 10 year anniversary with 700 students coming together to compete in a variety of activities,  visited Study Hall College, and particiapted in a critical dialogue session with the Aarohini Girls Empowerment Program.

Stories of Transformation

By Laura Baerwolf August 25, 2021
The collective experience of our partner organizations over the past 18 months offers much insight into how Mona’s long-term partnership model, with its focus on education and gender equality as the twin engines of sustained change, have led to an exceptional set of achievements in seemingly unsurmountable circumstances.
By Melina Rajaei July 16, 2021
Khushboo’s Story: I want to study! I want to study!
By Melina Rajaei July 16, 2021
Preeti’s story: From a child bride to a community activist
By Melina Rajaei July 16, 2021
Meena's Story: Her dream to be a lawyer comes true

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