Over the past two months, the COVID-19 outbreak in India has exploded with reports of oxygen shortages and ambulances lined up outside of hospitals because there are no ventilators for new patients. The prolonged lockdown is decimating incomes and threatens the food security of India’s rural population.
We have been in constant contact with our partner organizations in India and around the world to assess their current situation and will be providing support to meet all urgent needs.
Below are the latest updates, received over the weekend, from several of our partner organizations (identifiers are removed as requested).
‘I am writing to you to let you know that things here in India and especially in our city has gone from bad to worse very quickly with no letup in sight. The second wave of coronavirus has hit us brutally and we found ourselves grossly unprepared for what has unfolded. If you look at the current news you will see the kind of carnage that this second wave is causing in our country.
No tests, no beds, no meds, no oxygen and along lines at crematoriums is the situation in our town. No matter how well connected or how rich one is, getting a hospital bed right now is virtually impossible and people are dying gasping for air. There is a severe shortage of oxygen and medicines…Our town right now has over 52,000 active cases(grossly under-reported) with over 5,000 cases new cases being added every day – We have close to 3000 hospital beds out of which only 600 can cater to very serious patients that require assistive breathing. Add to this the acute shortage of oxygen not just in our town but across the country.
Talking specifically about our organization, more than half of our outreach office is currently down with or COVID like symptoms. Each day we hear about more members of our team getting infected. Thankfully many now seem to be recovering – our main task right now has become to help each other out with medicines and any other support our team members or their families.
We have been forced to either stop or curtail our operations depending on which and how many team members are out of action. All schools have closed down and so have we. The teachers (many of whom are infected and out of action) are trying to stay in touch and help the children get through these dark times.
The one-room schools are also officially closed but children just walk up to their teacher’s house at times to seek help with their studies. There also many are infected.
So all in all the situation is very bad – nothing like we ever imagined but we are hanging in there, supporting each other, helping our family members and community members as much as we can…Please keep us in your prayers…”
One staff member at Barli has tested postive, and the rest of his family have mild symptoms. Fortunately, the trainees went home to their villages for a fifteen-day break earlier on and so all are in good health and have reached home safely. Barli will restart their training program when government rules permit.
Badi School has suffered the loss of one of their esteemed teachers, Mr. Abdiel Gonzalez, to COVID19 with people in another 20 school families testing positive. As of today, all teachers and school personnel have received the first dose of the vaccine and are getting ready to open the school pending the approval of the parents.
Since the country is opening Badi school is stabilizing financially and has been able to make its commitments in addition to building several wash basins located throughout the campus. The school is continuing its push to enable online learning to ensure the continuing education of its students.
While COVID19 has spared Haiti, according to a report by Reuters, the country is roiled by an epidemic of kidnappings, deepening political unrest, and economic misery.
Haiti has one of the highest levels of food insecurity in the world with 4.4 million Haitians – nearly half the population – in need of immediate food assistance. Among these, 1.2 million suffer from severe hunger. Two children out of ten do not attend primary school and the literacy level of the population over 10 years of age is 61 percent.
In the midst of this dark picture, New Horizon is a beacon of hope. While most schools are closed, New Horizon continues to operate and keep its door open despite all difficulties.
To address the immediate nutritional needs of the students, the school has started a community garden where the students and their families are taught to grow their own food and share what they are learning with other community members. 80% of the students at the school are unable to cover the meager tuition of $30/month, all of whom are now are supported by Mona.
The news is surprisingly positive and an example of yet another Mona partner organization shining through the darkness of our time. While Manaus has been devastated by COVID19, the ADCAM staff, students, and families have remained safe thanks to the administrator’s foresight, preparations within the school, and their connection with the surrounding community. They have accessed every government support available to them and maintained operations with assistance from many friends.
ADCAM is currently fighting misinformation about the vaccine in the community and working with every family in their neighborhood to get vaccinated. 95% of their staff are already vaccinated. They have also instituted all the precautionary protocols in classrooms and have opened the school by alternating in-person attendance with online learning while many others are still closed.
As a result of their exemplary school management throughout the crisis, and their strong emphasis on technology and distant learning, ADCAM has not only retained all their students but also increased registration, particularly in grades
How can you help? We have established a COVID19 Emergency Fund to help meet all urgent requests coming our way. Please keep our partner organizations and all in the communities they serve in your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you updated as we receive further news.
14150 NE 20th St. F1-527 Bellevue, WA 98007, (425) 743-4550, info@monafoundation.org.
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