This is the story of Nyangon Bernadette, a 70-year-old determined and resilient woman who is illiterate and who has persevered to live her own dreams and lead her own life in a small village in Cameroon despite seeming unsurmountable obstacles.
It is also the story of the power of education, in this case, Preparation for Social Action (PSA). PSA a six module program covering language, science and technology, mathematics, agricultural/ community health, and service to the community designed to raise capacity of youth to become effective agents of change in their communities.
And it is also a case study about the essentiality of the role of women as the primary agents of positive change and transformation of the individuals, families and communities. Without full participation of woman as equal partners in the field of development, Nyangon proves, lasting development cannot take roots in communities we intend to serve.
Seeds of Curiosity
Born in the vibrant village of Mama 2 in 1952, Bernadette Nyangon's early years were filled with the joys and challenges of rural life. She attended Koya 1 Catholic School, where she developed a deep love for learning. However, her educational journey came to a halt when she discontinued her studies at the first-grade level. Despite her lack of formal education, Bernadette's spirit remained unquenched, and her curiosity continued to burn brightly.
In 2008, a beam of hope illuminated the mundane routines of Mama 2. The arrival of the Preparation for Social Action (PSA) program promised to empower individuals and communities, sparking a renewed sense of possibility. The news of this transformative initiative reached Bernadette Green, igniting a flicker of curiosity within her soul. Eager to discover what this program had to offer; she approached the village gathering where the first PSA groups were being formed.
Despite her burning desire to participate, Bernadette faced a disheartening barrier. The selection criteria for the initial PSA groups stipulated the ability to read and write at the high school level, immediately excluding her (and almost all other women in her village) due to her illiteracy. However, Bernadette refused to be deterred. Determined to grasp the invaluable knowledge being generated, she quietly positioned herself in a corner of the room where the group would convene to try to learn. But the course was offered in French, and she could only speak her local dialogue and so she could not even understand what was said.
Undeterred by the walls erected by illiteracy, Bernadette’s spirit of resilience remained unwavering. She approached her son, who was selected to be part of the first PSA group. With love and conviction, she shared her yearning to access the program’s materials and insights. Touched by her unwavering determination, her son reluctantly agreed to translate the documents for her, becoming her bridge to the wealth of knowledge within.
Through sheer determination and the selflessness of her son, Bernadette embarked on her own journey of empowerment within the shadows of the PSA program. From her corner of the room, she absorbed the teachings, the discussions, and the collective wisdom that echoed through the walls. Although her illiteracy barred her from official participation, her presence became a testament to the indomitable spirit of a woman hungry for knowledge and transformation.
As Bernadette immersed herself in the program’s teachings, her world expanded. The barriers of illiteracy slowly dissolved as her mind grasped the concepts of community development, environmental sustainability, and personal growth. With every passing session, her thirst for knowledge deepened, and the seeds of change took root within her soul. In her own words, “I am old and cannot remember everything I heard, but I learned enough to imagine a better future.”
Blooming Knowledge and Empowerment
As the PSA program unfolded before her eyes, Bernadette discovered a world of knowledge she had never imagined. The concepts of environmental protection and community health captivated her heart and mind. Bernadette's newfound understanding revealed the direct connection between clean surroundings and the prevention of mosquito-borne illnesses. Driven by a sense of duty, she became a tireless advocate for hygiene and sanitation within her village, imparting vital knowledge to her neighbors and friends.
Cultivating Growth in Agriculture and Financial Stability
During her exploration of the PSA program, Bernadette encountered a revolutionary agricultural technology known as diversified high-efficiency plots (DHEP). Fascinated by the possibilities, she embraced this new approach to farming. With the guidance of the program and the implementation of DHEP, Bernadette witnessed her agricultural production soar. What was once a struggle to make ends meet transformed into an abundance of crops. This newfound success not only provided sustenance for her family but also opened doors to financial stability and independence.
As Bernadette's income increased, she realized the importance of financial planning, a crucial aspect taught by the PSA program. With the newfound knowledge of managing her finances, she began to save money systematically, something she had never thought possible before. Over time, Bernadette accumulated enough savings to fulfill a dream she had never dared to imagine—building her own house. This achievement symbolized not only the transformation of her living conditions but also her unwavering determination to overcome obstacles and create a better future for herself and her family.
Nurturing Life as a Midwife
As Bernadette's Passion for community health grew, her unwavering dedication caught the attention of the Institute for Research and Development (IRD). Recognizing her potential, they offered her an opportunity to receive training as a midwife. Bernadette eagerly accepted the offer, knowing that she could make a significant impact on the lives of mothers and children in her community. Equipped with her newfound knowledge, Bernadette became a beacon of hope, providing crucial healthcare services to those in need. Her compassion and expertise saved lives and nurtured a generation. She is now the president of the association of the IRD women’s group.
Healing with Nature's Remedies
Bernadette's journey didn't end with midwifery. Inspired by her newfound understanding of medicinal plants from the PSA program, she established a medicinal plot within the village. Leading a group of dedicated women, Bernadette trained them in the cultivation and administration of natural remedies for common ailments. Together, they became guardians of traditional healing practices, ensuring that the knowledge would be Passed down through generations. Bernadette's herbal remedies provided relief and comfort to countless individuals, strengthening the bond within her community.
Concluding comments
Bernadette's journey from illiteracy to empowerment encompassed remarkable transformations in various aspects of her life. Through her participation in the PSA program, she discovered her capacity to drive change and make a significant impact on her community. The knowledge and skills she gained in environmental protection, community health, agriculture, and financial planning enabled her to thrive and achieve newfound independence.
Moreover, Bernadette's journey exemplifies the power of education in transcending illiteracy. She defied societal expectations and proved that one's potential should never be limited by educational barriers. Her determination, resilience, and thirst for knowledge paved the way for personal growth and community development.
Bernadette's success also extends beyond her own achievements. As a respected member of her community, she has become an inspiration to other women, showing them that they too can overcome obstacles and transform their lives. Bernadette now accompanies and empowers other women, encouraging them to follow her example and pursue their dreams.
Bernadette's story emphasizes the importance of empowering women in community development. Regardless of their educational background, women possess untapped potential and can become powerful agents of change. Bernadette's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of education, financial stability, and the determination to create a better future. Through her courage and resilience, Bernadette has not only improved her own life but has also created a ripple effect of positive change within her community. Her story stands as a shining example of the indomitable spirit and limitless possibilities that lie within every woman.
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